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Balance - Original Alcohol Ink Painting

Balance - Original Alcohol Ink Painting

Regular price $48.00 USD
Regular price $48.00 USD Sale price $48.00 USD
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This pink and blue abstract reflects a bit of yin-yang energy. Guoli Liu and Ran An, in their article published by Dove Medical Press, explain, "In the yin–yang model, yin represents feminine forces, such as the moon, water, darkness, passivity, intuition, softness, contraction, and yielding in the universe, while yang represents masculine forces, such as the sun, fire, light, activity, rational thought, hardness, expansion, and assertiveness." With some blue in the pink and some pink in the blue, this painting seems a dance of masculine and feminine. In the end, there's Balance. I enjoy working with this medium because the fluid alcohol inks interact in unpredictable and uncontrolled ways, allowing space for a touch of the unexpected. “Balance” can be used as a tool for meditation, to decorate your home or office, or both. Please note that this painting is one of a kind and contains details that may not appear in photographs. In addition, every computer monitor has a different capability to display colors, so there may be slight variations between what you see on your monitor and the actual printed merchandise. Thank you for viewing! Merchandise available at:
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